Benefits For Recorders

Benefits For Recorders

Benefits of eRecording for the Recorder

Imagine documents being submitted in your chosen electronic format, eliminating 5 to 8 minutes of scanning. But that’s not the only benefit of eRecording.

Current Recording Experience
The ePN team is built with experts from all facets of the industry.  Our staff has first-hand current experience with implementing eRecording and are available as you begin the eRecording journey.

Leader in Open Systems Network
ePN has an open architecture that serves as a routing solution to hundreds of counties across the country.  This open systems network allows all qualified eRecording vendors to submit document transactions through one connection to the county.

We Work with Local Submitters
ePN wants to be one of the vendors that your local customers can use to electronically submit documents to your office.

No Cost to Start
To get started with ePN’s eRecording solution, there is no cost to the county or jurisdiction from ePN.  Our web-based software has integrations with most land record vendors nationwide.

Interdepartmental Routing Solutions
ePN offers the only document routing solution that currently is processing documents from all the major eRecording vendors which allows counties to route documents to various departments within the county prior to receiving the document for recording.

Custom Integrations for “Home Grown” Systems
ePN is integrated with many land record vendors nationwide; however, our development team works with counties that have internally built or “Home Grown” systems to integrate with our eRecording solution.

We Can Help You Increase eRecording Volume
ePN has extensive experience helping counties increase their eRecording volume.  More eRecordings save your staff valuable time!  Contact us to discuss how we can help you increase your eRecording volume.

Why eRecord?

Greater efficiency and accuracy mean greater productivity. With a streamlined electronic recording process in place, your staff will spend less time doing busy work and more time working on things that matter.

•  Reduce time spent on scanning
•  Improve staff utilization
•  Reduce return postage fees
•  Reduce rejections due to incorrect fees submitted
•  Reduce collection issues for “bad checks”
•  Improve customer service

Any Questions?

Learn the specifics about electronic recording with ePN by visiting FAQs for Recorders

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